About Us

Barito Hijau foundation is non profit institution with Indonesian legal entity, this foundation was established in 2000 by a number of ecology care or environmentalists in the Barito region led by Drs Jonio Suharto, M.IP as a chairman and Dr F Nongken BG, SE  as a chairmen of the body builder of the institution.
The birth of the idea to be setting up non profit organization is driven by condition that occur in area such as environment on the side of the river. Development go on run to get high growth as indication of prosperity of the people in this area, economic development is drain potential mine (coal mining) and land for palm plantations. But on the other side the economic development in this region had not pro sustainable particularly on mining and palm plantation.

We are aware that natural resources are limited, the carrying capacity need to be considered in economic development. Through this NGO's we strive to bring awareness of the local ruling elite and all the people to be more concerned about the environment on all they policy or activities.  

According to the data Kalteng Mining  until 2013,  northern Barito local government has given permission to the more then one hundreds mining company. some of these company had explored more then 50 thousand hectares forest, It will accelerate deforestation in this region.
Barito Hijau foundation had participated in the field :
-  Desaign and oversee the process of sustainable development planing in the village (or rural),
-  Empowering farmer and fishermen to create and increase their life with out environmental damage.
-  Scholarship for the farmer and fishermen  children victim mining and plantation policy.
-  Developing local wisdom about environmental friendly .
-  Establish a village with green concept. (green village).
-  Create a pilot project conservation area.

for funding the program, donation we received help from many people,  NGO's and government agency who care about the environment. All of the funds we manage by professional management by transparent  and accountable. each en of the program report submitted to the donors.

Barito Hijau Foundation

Jonio Suharto

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