The area of ​​indigenous conservation

Fishing raft house in the village Butong
  Village Government Offices in  Butong Village
Butong Lake area consists of four lakes, it,s namely Lake Nange, Lake Solai, Oge Lake and Lake Dulan and Rattan Garden Zone Sedatu are  villagers Butong protected by customThat is, the utilization of the potential of this area traditionally regulated by considering sustainability to their children and grandchildren to come.

The area of ​​indigenous conservation in this region approximately 2,475 acres, consisting of four pieces of the lake, the region mangrup, rattan forests and the hills surrounding them. The main potential of this area is fresh fish, either caught from the wild and cultivated cage system. Another is the potential that can be harvested when the rattan cane price inadequate.

Another is the potential, this region has a biodiversity that is relatively complete, both living in the water, on land and on the air likes birds and insects, etc.

From cultural aspects, the villagers Butong still thick with the ancestral culture, it is apparent from their local wisdom in conserving the region. They also have some form of the arts, such as dance, song (dongkoi) and they are also diligently diving craft in the form of carvings and wicker-weaving are unique and distinctive.

As noted earlier, indigenous conservation of Lake Butong have biodiversity, both flora and fauna. Some types of orchids can be encountered in this area, also rare trees still well maintained.

Not only that, in this area there are also manifold squirrels, monkeys from the small to the largest, including in this case the animals are reserved, the Orang Utan. In this place kind of monkey found sharp nose, the black ape Bakantan apart.

When properly developed, this region has prosfek promising for natural tourism area (eco toruism), among other activities, tourist fishing (Fishing) and others. Everything must be packed well and focused. This is certainly a role for local government is expected to help, empower communities around the region, while our role of Barito Green Foundation is limited to the facilitation efforts of improving the status of the region which now only has the status of customary, is expected to have legal status boosted by Government Regulation or at least regional regulation.

Barito Hijau struggled with the community and village governments Butong manifests these expectations, the status is "Eco Tourism Zone", so that the region in addition to optimally develop its economic potential in order to the welfare of society, as well as environmental services and ecological roles are well preserved.

The scarcity of trees are now beginning to feel the Butong villagers, they have difficulty obtaining the trunk to be used as a flotation their cages.   Butong village including one backward villages in this area, the condition of village roads need to be repaired.

Turbid water began to differ with the condition 10 years ago, the water here is always clear. This means that there has been a change in the environment, in the muddy water is present in the form of a solid solution of mud or soil which are then deposited on the surface of the lake, then slowly but surely will lead to silting of the lake. It is therefore necessary measures to save lake ecology Butong of silting. One of the steps that must be taken is to stop the source of the turbid water entered into Lake Butong.

To enter the conservation area of this custom we have to cross the watery swamp forest area for about half an hour using klotok (motor boat)  before we arrived at the first lake.
In the meantime to reach the Butong village from the district capital of  north  Barito or Muara Teweh by car or speedboat approximately 1 hour..

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